



As a college that stands for a welcoming, open and accessible educational environment, and as educators, it is our commitment to seek truth, and learn and reflect upon how 澳门威尼斯人在线赌场可以改善澳门威尼斯人在线赌场的社会. 团结起来,澳门威尼斯人在线赌场可以帮助创造一个社会公正的世界. 

澳门威尼斯人在线赌场的 nation has come to a reckoning of our country's historic and systemic racial and 阶级不平等. 澳门威尼斯人在线赌场承诺团结一致,与黑人一起采取行动 为了一个更好的未来和一个不同的现实. 


TCC主席Ivan L. 哈勒尔,二,博士.D.

Over the past six or so years, hundreds of Black people have been killed by police 一些军官得到了全国的关注,而另一些则没有. 每次发生的时候 I, and so many Black folk, are traumatized and again reminded what we really mean 这个国家. And here we are again; George Floyd, another Black man whose life 被不必要地拿走了. 不幸的是,从历史来看,现在 and wide spread cries and 抗议s for change will soon fade, and we will all get 回到“正常”状态,直到这种情况再次发生. 每一次我的恐惧增加, and my frustration intensifies because there is nothing I can directly do to halt 对黑人的广泛攻击.

As long as I can ever remember, I was told by my parents and others that I could be 只要我下定决心,我就能做任何事情. 在这段时间里,我努力 excel academically, get involved in my community, and become the best Ivan I could be. As time moved on, I learned about myself, became stronger, and achieved so much 结果是. 例如,我成为了精英中的一员——只实现了2%的目标 美国人口完成了——一个博士学位.D. 尽管如此,我还是继续挑战自己,成为了 两年前还是大学校长.

Although some may think I have “arrived” I failed to mention the double-sided narrative 在我成长和取得成就的这段时间里,我必须面对的问题. 一方面, 我的父母、家人和支持者提醒我,我可以实现我的目标. 在 另一方面,世界提供的信息并不令人鼓舞. 我记得 being confused in 1992 when three white police officers were acquitted after beating 罗德尼·金,尽管有视频. 当迈克尔·布朗,埃里克·加纳,桑德拉 布兰德,布雷欧娜·泰勒,还有很多人都被杀了. 我很困惑,当科林 Kaepernick sparked wide-spread concern and lost his NFL career, because of peaceful 抗议. My feelings of anger, frustration and despair have continued to rise as many Black folk around this country have been harassed and killed many times for things 被认为是美国人的自由. 我指的是简单的事情,比如慢跑、散步 down the street after buying candy from a store, bird watching, or sitting on the 在家沙发上吃冰淇淋. 想想这些骚扰和谋杀 has been by police officers; people who are supposed to protect and serve. 所有的 this continues to remind me that accomplishments and education do not protect my life 和黑人的身体,任何时候我都可以被认为是可以抛弃的.

What complicates this even more for me is that while I’m concerned every time I see a police car behind me, at the same time I also have the opportunity to serve as a 大学校长. 我有能力领导一个以公平为价值观的机构 并在公平、多元化和包容性方面做了一些了不起的工作. 一个机构 我很自豪能成为其中的一员.

Despite my tremendous pride, I simultaneously have to contend with the fact that even at our own institution there have been things that have occurred that has created 对一些黑人学生、教职员工来说,这是一个不受欢迎的环境. 我是说,我是 the president of the college and there are multiple times when I have walked away from a meeting or interaction with the feeling that the way I was treated would not have happened had I not been Black; this happened again just last week. 所以这个问题 regarding the treatment of Black people also hits right here at home, at our college. Yes, Black folk are not being killed on our campuses, but I wonder have we always provided an environment for them that has supported, and not killed their dreams, 目标和抱负.

Although my frustration is real, I remain hopeful that things will get better. 但 只有当澳门威尼斯人在线赌场每个人都采取行动时,所需的改变才会发生. 澳门威尼斯人在线赌场每个人都有这种能力 to bring about the 需要ed change to better our country, including truly recognizing 并通过行动表明黑人的生命是重要的! 所以,今天我要挑战每一个 and every one of us to critically examine our own preconceived notions, and biases (both conscious and unconscious), and first work to correct the things that sometimes 让澳门威尼斯人在线赌场以自己不希望被对待的方式对待他人. 没有人,也没有团体, 应该受到不公正的对待! 我呼吁大家都发出自己的声音,投出自己的一票. 澳门威尼斯人在线赌场的 voices are not just important for the presidential race, but sometimes even more important 在州、地区和地方各级. 在澳门威尼斯人在线赌场选举之前,真正的改变不会发生 officials at all levels of government who will challenge and change the systemic racism 不幸的是,这已经融入了美国的结构. 我向澳门威尼斯人在线赌场的 white colleagues to not attempt to sympathize, but to be true allies by challenging our varying forms of racism and discrimination, and by holding each other accountable when you witness instances of someone not upholding our institutional value of equity. I also challenge you do to so in a way that does not increase the invisible work of 澳门威尼斯人在线赌场的黑人同事,或者造成更多的意外伤害.

澳门威尼斯人在线赌场55年来一直是这个社区的支柱. 这所大学 多年来以各种方式支持这个社区. 现在是澳门威尼斯人在线赌场的时代了 to come together to use our collective minds and voices to be more active participants 反对黑人受到的不公正待遇.

I do have hope that all of the injustices that this current environment is exposing will finally result in the change that I, and so many of you, want and desperately 需要. We all have the power to change ourselves, and to create meaningful change in 这所大学,澳门威尼斯人在线赌场的家庭,社区和国家.

So, don’t be surprised when I use the power of my voice, and the power of my position 以确保这所大学从事有意义的行动. 我可能做不到 directly halt the widespread attack on Black people, but am able to lead and push 在TCC有意义的改变.

我的问题是, 你会用你的力量做什么?



The Board of Trustees of Tacoma Community College stands in solidarity with Black 以及黑人社区. 澳门威尼斯人在线赌场对许多黑人被杀感到震惊 by police, yet heartened by the response of people in the US and around the world who are 抗议ing and taking action against police brutality, systemic racism, and 种族暴力.

TCC服务于多元化的学生团体、教职员工. 多样性、公平和包容 大学的核心价值观是什么. “促进公平、多元化和包容”是 澳门威尼斯人在线赌场战略计划的第一个主题. 澳门威尼斯人在线赌场致力于倡导反对和消除 无论澳门威尼斯人在线赌场在哪里发现系统性的种族主义. 澳门威尼斯人在线赌场保证加紧努力消除 澳门威尼斯人在线赌场制度中的种族不平等、偏见以及公平准入的障碍. 澳门威尼斯人在线赌场知道澳门威尼斯人在线赌场 有工作要做. 黑人学生完成学业或转学的速度与白人学生不同 学生. 黑人教职员工在校园里不像他们的同龄人那样受欢迎. The racial composition of our faculty and staff is not representative of the student body.

Therefore, the Board of Trustees of Tacoma Community College reaffirms our commitment to eliminating systemic racism, and to standing with Black 学生, faculty, staff, 以及黑人社区. 具体而言,澳门威尼斯人在线赌场承诺采取以下行动:

  • 积极倾听黑人学生、教师和工作人员的意见
  • 采取行动解决他们的担忧和建议
  • Review systems, policies, and procedures to root out systemic barriers and biases
  • Provide professional development that will increase cultural competence and eliminate 种族主义、偏见和其他形式的歧视
  • 聘用不同种族的教职员工
  • 作为管理委员会,积极监督进展

We further commit to removing systemic barriers for Black 学生 across the state by working with the community college system, K-12 schools, government, business, 社区组织. 澳门威尼斯人在线赌场将共同努力,提供以股权为重点的服务 policies and programs in support of Black 学生, from recruitment to enrollment, 保留、完成学业并过渡到继续教育或就业.

We pledge to create meaningful change for the college, the community, and the nation.
